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Written by Samuel on 6:05 AM

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Female Bodybuilders - Hot or Not?

Posted: 17 Jan 2008 01:33 AM CST

Fawnia Mondey Female BodybuilderOk. I’ve got a question for everyone. At what point does female bodybuilding reach the peak of the “sexy” plateau and begin going back downhill from there?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of healthy female bodies (like the “fitness trend” towards pole dancing), but at some point it seems to me these ladies (generously assuming they are all ladies) cross a threshold and simply no longer look good.

I guess the real question is, at what point are these women no longer “hot”?

Say hello to Aki Nishimoto - 3 time Miss Japan. She is incredibly toned and lean, and also has a deep fake tan. How’s this looking to you guys? Oh, and she’s a former Karate competitors, so she can kick your ass!

Now this next anonymous lady redefines the word ‘lean’. This woman’s abs have giant veins running throughout, and you can see the striation in her muscles. Now, I appreciate all the hard work, but someone please take this woman out for some BBQ and fatten her up!

Here is Fawnia Mondey doing a little workout. She’s very defined, though not completely ripped like the previous two, and not as swollen up as the following ladies. If you ask me, she’s just about perfect. Not too lean, not too hefty.

Not sure who this woman is, but she’s got some guns on her, that’s for sure! In my opinion, like Fawnia, she is just about perfectly developed.

There is no doubt that Christiane Lamy here is in fantastic shape. But as you can see, she’s a little meatier than the previous ladies. Notice also that the fake boobs are beginning to pop up. This is a relatively recent trend, but is it still hot? Especially when they look like oranges caught under a piece of spandex?

Amy Pazzo is big. She’s by no means the biggest, but she’s definitely getting on up there. So, how many of you are still hanging in there thinking this is sexy?

Here is Sophie Duquette. Now, I don’t want to be insulting, but is she really a woman? I mean at some point these ladies get so big that if they don’t have extremely feminine facial features you begin to question whether they are transgendered men. Is this still Hot?

Ok. We’re gonna stop after this next one. I believe this is Dianne Solomons, and I don’t want to make any comments lest she hunt me down and squash me like a grape!

To wrap things up, I think we know where Jim Carrey stands on the subject of female bodybuilding…

Now that you’ve wasted like half an hour of your life, how about spending another 30 seconds to share your opinion on where the line between beauty and beast should be drawn? Drop me a comment and let me know…

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