All important seo news

Written by Samuel on 11:19 AM

Internet Marketing Basic Training Camp - Our new series on the basics

Posted: 16 Jan 2008 08:34 PM CST

internet marketing 101

When people ask me what it is that I d o for a living, I reply with, "I am an SEO." Most of the time people respond with, "What the heck is that? Is it like a CEO?" So I then explain to them what it is that I do. When I start to see that they are lost, I simply tell them, "I help businesses climb within the search engines and thus bringing them more traffic to their website and business." Some people are aware of what an SEO is and some people have no clue, but the truth is every business that does anything online needs an SEO team. Whether they have an SEO team within there company, do it themselves, or hire an SEO team, it is always needed.


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